Congratuate to MESCO STEEL extend a new country - Danmark in our blueprint,

Congratuate to MESCO STEEL extend a new country - Danmark in our blueprint,

50 tons Galvalume Steel sheet DX51D AZ120 for green house is ready deliver to Danmark.

Congratuate to MESCO STEEL extend a new country - Danmark in our blueprint, and the number of exporting countries is achieved 47. 

This is the first trial order between us,and we believe it will be a good begining between us.

Welcome him to join MESCO,and also hope we will have you in our familay future!


12 years, 47 countries, 400 clients in China and world

Main products:#PrepaintedGalvanizedSteel #PrepainedGalvalumsteel #GalvanizedSteel #GalvalumSteel #ZnAlIMgalloys #Galfan #SteelPipe

#ColdRolledSteel #AluminiumSteel

문의 사항은 아래 양식을 작성하십시오.

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